Friday, November 7, 2014

Who is the Uncommon Mom?

Who is the Uncommon Mom? What does the Uncommon Mom do to separate her from the common moms, who bake cookies daily while running their kids all over the place, still having time to rub her husbands feet when he comes home from a long day of work. There is nothing wrong with being common, it just happens to drive me up my fingerprint ridden walls. Now we know what we are not. How about finding out who we are? This is a journey we can embark on together, as all humans have room to learn and grow. It has been proven by countless studies that when a mother is depressed, suffers from anxiety, or any other mood disorder, it WILL directly affect her children. Who wants their child to suffer from any of these disorders? The only way that we can save our children from this outcome, is by taking care of our own mental health. We as mothers, wives, and women have to ensure that we are able to carry the many things we are expected to carry, both mentally and physically.
Do you have time to have a hobby? If so, how often do you partake in your hobby? Do you borrow or steal your time that you evoke to your hobby? The common house mom may or may not have time for a hobby or time just for MOM with all of the baking, and driving, and don't forget the rubbing. Whatever it is that you enjoy doing, embrace it and do it only the best way you know how.  Sometimes you have to steal your alone time, leaving the house to your hubby. In my household, as long as dinner is ready and there isn't a pigsty, I pretty much have all of the time I need for my hobby. I think there is also an ulterior  motive behind my hubby being so cool about my stealing time for my hobby. My hobby just happens to feed my family while saving our family hundreds of dollars a month (you can read about it here on my blog). Not everyone's hobby has this same benefit as mine, yet sometimes you have to be willing to steal the time for yourself, to ensure your own sanity, for the betterment of your family. I am a prime example of what can happen to a person when they are a stay at home mom and have no hobby or outlet. What happens to a person like this? YOU GO CRAZY. There are no two ways about it. When you have no way out of your own space, the walls begin to take on an entirely new shape.
I am not going to dwell here about our hobbies and what we should do so that we can enjoy them. What I will do is encourage you, the Uncommon Housewife to embrace whatever it is that you enjoy doing, and DO IT. Find time for yourself, it can be early in the morning after the kids go to school, or even at night after everyone is fed and out of the way. YOU CANNOT BE MISERABLE WITH A LIFE YOU CHOOSE. You have made the choice, now figure out a way to enjoy it the best way you can. When you are miserable in the life you live, you will fall into a hole deeper than that of the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. I have fallen into this hole mor times than I am proud to admit. One of those times was right after I had my hysterectomy, which was supposed to have given me a second chance at life, removing two different, yet relate types of cancer from my body. Yet, I felt different about life. I didn't feel as healthy as I should have felt. There were other health problems that would now arise that would take a toll on my body that is still felt today. I could not get out of bed, my home spiraled out of control with disorganization and unruly children. It seemed as though my life was taking advantage of the situation.
I am far from a perfect mother or wife. I lack in so many areas yet to list them would only make me feel worse about it all. I do have laundry stacked in my living room, waiting patiently to be folded and put away. I have dust on my ceiling fans, and bookshelves. I am not perfect, yet I do some day strive to be as close as possible. I have tried to follow the lead of such perfect housewives as Martha Stewart, and the Flylady, yet I always find a way to fall out of their programs, finding them impossible for any regular, uncommon housewife to follow. I know that I am wrong in this assumption, as if I were correct, these women and others like them, would not have the notoriety that they do. How did they get to be so perfect? Were their mothers these types of women, teaching them nothing other than to be organized and crafty, to put their husbands, and families needs before their own, and never allow the laundry to come out of the dryer without being immediately folded and put away. Well, I didn't have this growing up, and I try not to blame the mother and wife I am today, on the way that I was raised a a child. 
My mother left when I was a toddler, and I was raised by a single father who didn't know how to teach femininity. I can sit here all day long about how I was lacking something growing up and this is why I can't get my household under a regular schedule, or why I am lost as to how to discipline my  children and help my oldest with her anxiety. I cannot, as an adult still use this as a crutch. I have to find a regimine that is easy for me to follow, so that my family can live more comfortably than I did. Writing helps me to get things out in the open, a therapy of sorts, hopefully, my writing can help someone else who may have grown up in a similar situation as I have, or may have had a mother who was in and out. Whatever your situation, however you have gotten to this point we are here for each other and will fix each other. I invite you to comment below on what you do to help yourself and your family to live better, or whatever questions you have I will answer the best way I can.

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